The primary mission of the Strong Tower music ministry is to magnify and glorify Jesus Christ in the act of worship. We strive to facilitate the fulfillment of the overall mission and vision of this church through the delivery of:
- Spirit-led music that enhances the worship service
- Music that edifies, inspires, and challenges the body of Christ and futher enables them to experience Christ on a personal level
- Through biblically sound music that continues to raise the level of consciousness of the people to the awesome nature of the God we serve, through praise and worship
- Christ-centered music that boldly shares the “Good News” with those who are lost
- Dynamic, multi-faceted music for a diverse congregation that will not be mired in mediocrity or tradition
- Innovative, fresh, and creative music that is unique to this church while also reaching into the past to bridge the gap between young and old and diverse church experiences
- Training that equips, empowers, and enables worship ministry participants to grow and realize their full potential in the area of music ministry.