STBC believes God has given each one of His children at least one spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 12). A spiritual gift is specific enablement from God that allows you to edify other Christians, reach non-Christians, and bring glory to God in the process.
If you don’t know what your spiritual gifts are, we will help you to discover them at STBC. Usually God gives you a passion for ministry that coincides with your spiritual gift. For instance, if you are passionate about visiting sick people, you probably have the spiritual gift of mercy.
Because God has endowed every Christian with spiritual gifts, STBC expects every one of its members to use his or her gifts to serve others. There is a time to be served at STBC, but there is also a place to serve others.
Click the file below to complete the assessment and discover your spiritual gifts, personal style, and ministry passion.
Once you’ve completed the assessment, go to the serve tab and find your place within the body!